The Kit supplied with CAS Interface 3 comprises of:
• 1 CAS Interface 3 device
• 1 20-Pin female cable, length 30 cm
• 1 J-Card
• 1 Dummy Card
The main features of this great device are as follows:
USB Full Speed connection at 12 Mbit
RS-232 Serial Connection
20 Pin External Connector
Internal Clock Speed 48Mhz
No need for external power supply
Full PCMCIA connector support
Full support for next generation Wireless devices
CAS Studio user friendly GUI
On the ground features:
- Common Access Modules (CAM):
• Magic Cam, Matrix Cam, Matrix Revolution, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Reborn, and all CAMs based on SIDSA chipsets, which can be managed directly by means of a PCMCIA connector. For a full list of supported modules, open the Graphics Menu of Cas Studio. Remember to download the latest release from our web site.
Thanks to the High Speed internal clock Cas Interface 3 is around 4 times faster than Cas Interface 2. Most of software routines for Flash writing have been rewritten.
• Joker Cam, Zeta Cam and substantially all CAM modules based on NEOTION chipsets. These modules can be programmed and repaired using a J-Card. For a full list of supported modules, open the Graphics Menu of Cas Studio. Remember to download the latest release from
• Dragon Cam; it is possible to program any version by inserting the Dragon Cam into Cas Interface 3 and using a Dummy Card. This mode eliminates the need of inserting the Dragon Cam into a receiver, which can sometimes damage the CAMs besides being unpractical. It is also possible to repair faulty Dragon Cams if they fail to initialize due to a faulty Flash Memory. To do so, it is sufficient to open the module and connect a few wires, following a procedure that can be easily implemented even by less expert users.
Special thanks goes to Dream Multimedia for their support and patience.
• X-Cam, with ANGEL and ORION chipsets, standard and premium version. It is possible to program any version by inserting the X-Cam into Cas Interface 3 and using a Dummy Card. This mode eliminates the need of inserting the X-Cam into the receiver, which can sometimes damage the CAMs besides being unpractical. It is also possible to repair faulty X-Cams if they fail to initialize due to a faulty Flash Memory. In this case it is necessary to open the module and connect a few wires, following a procedure that can be easily implemented even by less expert users.
Special thanks goes to X-Crypt for their support.
- Smartcard programming.
This feature is very important for all those who wants to program a Smartcard based on PIC microcontroller or Atmel microcontroller. The full list of Smartcard can be viewed directly from the graphical menu of Cas Studio.
More... All the OS cased cards like Titanium Card, OPOS Card, Knotcard and more can be programmed without any problem throught the USB port. All future Smartcard can be supported thanks to the great flexibility of Cas Interface 3.
Dragon Card Loader can be fixed if corrupted by the special repair function.
- RS-232 Phoenix Smartmouse emulation.
This emulation can be done through the RS-232 serial port. No matter what's the clock speed for the Smartcard. You can either choose 3,58/3,68/4,00/6,00 Mhz. This great feature is given by the total flexibility of the internal programmable clock generator.
- DreamBox 56xx and 7000 series boot repairing function.
If your DreamBox wil not reboot due to a faulty flash the CAS Interface 3 will solve your problem without the need for any special cables or hard soldering.
- Sidsa embedded chip Set-Top-Boxes programming.
Program the Sidsa CA embedded module. This most works like Cam programming feature. No need for special cables or special connectors.
Support receivers are Xtreme, Manhattan, Nextwave 2500.
- Cam Explorer.
This is a real cool feature which allows the user to insert any Cam in the PCMCIA connector and browse the content of you Cam. This acts like a real Common Interface Set Top Box. It gives you the possibility to get into the menus and at the same time use all the remote controller features.
- Various Utilities.
Various PC utilities are included in Cas Studio. All those tools are free of charge and can be freely used. Duolabs made them to give the user the possibility to enjoy other
* Sim Editor. This software allows you to edit your GSM smartcard. Save/edit phonebook, SMS and Smartcard files.
* Wincrypt. This software allows you to encrypt and decrypt your files and folders using as 3DES key your GSM Smartcard. This software works pretty much as Winzip but the encryption is secured by a secret key in your GSM Smartcard.
Με ένα μόνο προϊόν, το CAS Interface 3 συνδυάζει όλα τα θαυμάσια χαρακτηριστικά του CAS Interface 2, το Add-On Board συν πολλές πρόσθετες επιλογές.
Αυτή η νέα έκδοση προσφέρει πολύ προηγμένα τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά. Σε αντίθεση με το CAS Interface 2, το CAS Interface 3 μπορεί να διαχειρίζεται πλήρως PCMCIA συνδέσεις και εύκολη σύνδεση επιπλέον εξωτερικών modules. Ωστόσο, το πιο ενδιαφέρον χαρακτηριστικό είναι η δυνατότητα να είναι σε θέση να μιμηθούν τις PCMCIA θύρες της κοινής διεπαφής (EN50221) δέκτη και επομένως χρησιμοποιούν μια Cam απευθείας σαν να ήταν παρεμβάλλεται σε ένα δέκτη. Κατά συνέπεια, το CAS Interface 3 μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθεί και από επαγγελματίες για να δοκιμάσει ένα CAM (Conditional Access Module) χωρίς να την τοποθετήσετε σε ένα δέκτη.Το CAS Interface 3 επίσης επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να διαχειρίζονται και να πρόγραμματίζουν διάφορα είδη καρτών, τις τρέχουσες όσο και εκείνων που πρόκειται να αναπτυχθούν στο μέλλον. Συνεπώς, το CAS Interface 3 μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ως ένας πολυλειτουργικός προγραμματιστής κατάλληλος για τη διαχείριση της J-Tag, ISP, I2C, κ.λπ., μέσω της θύρας USB.