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Here is the chip layout inside the Silver Wafer Card2: The PIC16F877 and PIC 16F876 is the same chip, just more programming area on the PIC 16F877
The PIC16F877 is a high-performance FLASH microcontroller that provides engineers with the highest design flexibility possible. In addition to 8192x14 words of FLASH program memory, 256 data memory bytes, and 368 bytes of user RAM, PIC16F876 also features an integrated 8-channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital converter. Peripherals include two 8-bit timers, one 16-bit timer, a Watchdog timer, Brown-Out-Reset (BOR), In-Circuit-Serial Programming™, RS-485 type UART for multi-drop data acquisition applications, and I2C™ or SPI™ communications capability for peripheral expansion. Precision timing interfaces are accommodated through two CCP modules and two PWM modules. The PIC16F877 also supports low voltage self-programming, allowing the user to program the device in-circuit at the user’s operating voltage. The in-circuit debugging feature allows the designer to “emulate” the PIC16F877 device without an in-circuit emulator (the MCU itself is the “emulator”). PIC16F877 applications range from body controllers, programmable machine controls, network maintenance, feature phones and field-upgradable pointing devices. PIC16F877 has 33 I/O pins.